“A Reasonable Explanation” is the same novel I started, but it didn’t go where I thought it was going because Deputy Ricos kept taking it other places. The plot I had in mind would have made sense for the former title, but it wasn’t to be. One thing is clear to me: the deputy no longer cares what I think.
The imagination that brings forth fictional works also brings all the bugaboos you can imagine. As I write on Tale 6, I’m sometimes gripped by panic. What if my readers don’t like the new novel? What if I never finish another one? What if? What if?
“So what if they don’t like it?” counters Deputy Ricos with a lot of attitude for a woman I could erase with a tap on the delete key.
The problem is that I won’t/can’t erase her and she knows it. She is in me and I am in her. If she and I never wrote another tale, she’d still be with me as long as I live.
I think I struggled to write about 80,000 words on Tale 5 before my character yanked it away from me. “Good grief,” I could just hear her say, “You have no idea what you’re doing. Go read or something. I’ve got this.”
It’s with you, Deputy Ricos. Please hold my calls.